Gm Fsus Eb
By grace a - lone somehow I stand
Bb/D Gm F
Where even angels fear to tread
Gm Fsus Eb
Invited by redeeming love
Bb/D Gm F
Before the throne of God a - bove
Bb/D Eb F
He pulls me close with nail - scarred
Eb Fsus Bb Bbsus Bb
Into His everlasting arms
Gm Fsus Eb
When condem - nation grips my heart
Bb/D Gm F
And Satan tempts me to de - spair
Gm Fsus Eb
I hear the voice that scatters fear
Bb/D Gm F
The Great I Am the Lord is here
Bb/D Eb F Gm
O praise the One who fights for me
Eb Fsus Bb
And shields my soul eternal - ly
Bbsus Bb F/A
Gm Eb F
Boldly I ap - proach Your throne
Gm Eb F
Blameless now I'm running home
Bb/D Eb F Gm
By Your blood I come welcomed as Your own
Eb F Bb
In - to the arms of majes - ty
(To Verse 3)
Gm Fsus Eb
Behold the bright and risen Son
Bb/D Gm F
More beauty than this world has known
Gm Fsus Eb
I'm face to face with Love Him - self
Bb/D Gm F
His perfect spotless righteous - ness
Bb/D Eb F Gm
A thousand years a thousand tongues
Eb Fsus Bb
Are not e - nough to sing His praise
Bbsus Bb F/A
| Bb
Eb Bb F
This is the art of cele - bration
Eb Bb F
Knowing we're free from condem - nation
Bb/D Eb Bb F Gm7
O praise the One praise the One
Eb F Bb
Who made an end to all my sin